Today I made my lil bro very sad and cried.
Begini ceritanya...
My mom called, asking me to fetch her up at school, they went for a trip to Malacca together with my lil bro, Muhammad is his name. Then, I quickly took the car key, went out from the house, and saw that three little kittens were on the car that I was going to use. So without hesitating, since I won't be touching that kittens, I just shuhhh shuhhh je, and then, went into the car, and started the engine (betul ke istilah ni??). But then, when I reversed the car, I couldn't see that white kitten, the smallest kitten of the three kittens we have. But I was just thinking she might be wandering somewhere else.
So, saya pun lalalaa, drive je kete tu. Tapi dalam hati terfikir jugaklah kot2 kucing tu masuk kat bahagian tayar sebab pernah berlaku once upon a time. On the way to the school, I heard sound like meowwww meoowwww. Rasa macam eh kat mana kucing tu pegi. Tapi tak berani nak stop and carik kucing tu. Satu, sebab tengah malam. Dua, sebab kalau jumpa pun, saya takkan pegang kucing tu. So, saya drive laju2 dengan harapan bila sampai sekolah nanti Muhammad can carry the kitten.
Tetibe ada orang hon2, dia bagitau, 'eh, ada kucing atas tu.' Saya pun, 'laaa.. tak turun lagi ke kucing ni tadi..' Saya stop kereta, orang tu pun. Dia datang dan ambik kucing tu. Dia tanya, 'awak punya kucing ke ni?' Saya dengan cemasnya cakap, 'tak.' ERghhhhhhh, Rasa menyesal tak sudah lepas tu. Dahlah menipu, lepastu pulak orang tu pi bawak kucing tu naik kereta dia.
Bila cite kat adikku ni, dia terus meraung menangis tersedu2. Sayu hati saya melihatkan dia.. Balik2 tu, dia carik dua ekor kucing tu, dia nangis2 dekat diorang. Rasa berslaah yang amat kat dia..T.T I'm sorry dear lil bro eventhough I know that u won't be reading this.
Hm.. that's all. I think it's time for me to overcome this problem, which is to have the courage to touch cats.
Bukan ke itu binatang kesayangan sahabat nabi?
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