bila difikirkan, telah banyak nikmat2 yang telah allah kurniakan kepada saya. telah banyak doa2 yang allah makbulkan kepada saya.
di awal mengenal dakwah, mula sedikit demi sedikit memahami dan menghayatinya, selalu diselitkan dalam doa2 ketika tahajud supaya dikekalkan di atas jalan dakwah ni. selalu diminta supaya tidak menjadi fitnah untuk dakwah.
i am not good at writing, though, i just want to express my feeling of how grateful i am to be the chosen one. i fall into tears when i reflect back all the countless blessings allah has given me throughout this long long journey. my best friend who have been patient with me, all the akhawats involved dalam melasso saya. haha. and not to forget, my parents who have raised me up dengan didikan agama. itu adalah salah satu nikmat yang saya takkan tak nangis bila diingat-ingat.
"Dan sekiranya kamu menghitung nikmat Allah,nescaya tidak dapat dihitung.Sesungguhnya Tuhan itu Maha Pengampun dan Maha Penyayang.
(Surah An-Nahl :18)
indeed, i cannot even count the blessings. and the greatest blessing is to follow the greatest sunnah of nabi muhammad saw, dakwah.
korang rasa tak perasaan gua. gua nangis sebelum tulis ni.
ok, itu cuma maqaddimah. tetibe feeling pulak eheh.
actually, I have been longing to update my blog. So many things wandering in my mind since I enrolled into UIA Kuantan. The internet at my mahallah (hostel) is very slow that you can't even go online on Whatsapp. But then, now I forgot already what I intended to write here. Hehe.
But it's okay. I'll share some of my interesting journey of being a dental student in UIA Kuantan.
I'm blessed to choose UIA to pursue my study. Having good environment, so many religious programs, good friends, friends and lecturers coming from different countries, Myanmar, Indonesia, Egypt, Yaman, etc.
The seniors told us to enjoy our first year. When we heard that, we were kind of confused because we thought we need to be serious since our days will be so hectic.
However, our timetable turned out to have so many gaps (means tak full macam seniors 8-5 everyday). So, yes, of course I'll utilize my time wisely. It's a no that I'm going to waste my time here.
hari pertama, time registration day, a bit nervous nak tengok name list roommates. berdebar sero sebab itulah mad'u kita for the next 4 blocks. dalam hati berdoa supaya allah mudahkan ikatan hati kitorang,sekaligus melasso depa huhuh. depa baca tak agaknya. hopefully tak.
My first day of lecture, it was quite difficult for me to understand the accent. Yes, not to condemn, people coming from different countries have different accent, an undeniable fact. It's hard for me actually to catch up the lectures because when I started to understand one specific word, the lecturer has already gone to another topic haha. But alhamdulillah now I managed to go with it. alhamdulillah.
ok, that's all for today's update. at least 1 update for this month haha.
actually, I have been longing to update my blog. So many things wandering in my mind since I enrolled into UIA Kuantan. The internet at my mahallah (hostel) is very slow that you can't even go online on Whatsapp. But then, now I forgot already what I intended to write here. Hehe.
But it's okay. I'll share some of my interesting journey of being a dental student in UIA Kuantan.
I'm blessed to choose UIA to pursue my study. Having good environment, so many religious programs, good friends, friends and lecturers coming from different countries, Myanmar, Indonesia, Egypt, Yaman, etc.
The seniors told us to enjoy our first year. When we heard that, we were kind of confused because we thought we need to be serious since our days will be so hectic.
However, our timetable turned out to have so many gaps (means tak full macam seniors 8-5 everyday). So, yes, of course I'll utilize my time wisely. It's a no that I'm going to waste my time here.
hari pertama, time registration day, a bit nervous nak tengok name list roommates. berdebar sero sebab itulah mad'u kita for the next 4 blocks. dalam hati berdoa supaya allah mudahkan ikatan hati kitorang,
My first day of lecture, it was quite difficult for me to understand the accent. Yes, not to condemn, people coming from different countries have different accent, an undeniable fact. It's hard for me actually to catch up the lectures because when I started to understand one specific word, the lecturer has already gone to another topic haha. But alhamdulillah now I managed to go with it. alhamdulillah.
ok, that's all for today's update. at least 1 update for this month haha.
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