Friday, October 24, 2014

wish wosh


Hm, just read APG's blog. The latest update is about futur. It really slapped me on my face, since now I'm at home. About less than two weeks, I'll be having my first exam ever in Kuantan. Quite nervous, but then, it is due to my laziness to read all those books! Really, I failed in my time management, especially at home.

You know,with the internet access available almost every time, I failed to control myself. Everything is in your hand... T.T

It's the 1st of Muharram, so, for this year to come, I wish I could...

1. Be a more patient person, do not get mad easily. This is my last year's wish actually. But I think I improved a little bit *except to my bestie, I just need a bit more move towards it. There's no harm to have the same wish, kan?

2. Be good in time management. This is my ultimate problem ever. I have bought one book entitled prophetic learning. Yes, I want to finish up reading this book before I forgot that I actually own it haha! I hope I can find answers for these problems..

InsyaAllah, I hope, by writing down all the wishes over here, I can read it anytime so that it can be remembered each time I read this.

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