Currently, I'm at UIA Gombak, taking few subjects for this short semester, before enrolling into Kuliyyah of Dentistry this September. Honestly, initially I was not really interested with these three subjects. It's something ordinary, go to class, listen to the lectures, and go back to hostel.
However, the fact that I was not really into all of these subjects, changes after I realized that they change my perspectives, my way of thinking about Islam. It brings me into a bigger picture of Islam, widening my knowledge about the concepts, principles of Islam. And yes, I really appreciate it now.
Knowing this fact, I am more convinced with what I have now-- ISLAM. I can feel the 'izzah of being a Muslim. How many of you out there, are confident that Islam can bring peace to the world, as how our Prophet brought the peace to the Arabs 1400 years back? How many of you are hundred per cent confident that Islam can change our corrupted society, can clean all the crimes, all the sins committed by our society? How many of you? We need to check back how the Prophet brought Islam to its victory. To achieve Islamic civilization as how the Prophet and the companions were giving their very best effort to achieve it.
When we say about civilization, we are talking about the people of the civilization itself, right? However, we can see obviously nowadays, our society are terribly corrupted. Murder, adultery, riba, pornography and many more that I can't list it all. Can we say that our society lacks education? NO! In fact, we have so many graduates of university with flying colours, yet we still face all of these social problems without knowing when and how this will end.
I asked this question to my lecturer. And the answer is the problem comes from the family institution. Family. Keluarga. Usrah.
It is undoubtedly that today, parents are more focused on their carrier, more than their family. Sometimes the children are abandoned without them realizing it. They feed the children, give them money, buy them gadgets, send them to schools, but there is one thing left -- tarbiyyah.
Let's have a look on how Rasulullah saw. had done to the Arabs during the time of jaahiliyyah. Rasulullah started dakwah with his relatives first, knowing that they are all close to him. In fact, Rasulullah himself was known as 'al-amin' which is the trust one. We can see here that the most fundamental step in doing dakwah is the relationship between dai'e and mad'u. Rasulullah had shown to us the best example of how to first approach our mad'u. It is one-to-one relationship, which I may call it the first step of tarbiyyah. It is not simply as what we see today, people keep on condemning others on Facebook, Twitter, etc, about things that they do not agree with, thinking that it is the best dakwah they can do. If Rasulullah saw. is with us today, will he be happy to see us fighting and hurting each other? This happens even among the Muslims. Is that the best way we can do dakwah? NO!
Things that I would like to share here is maratibul amal which is the steps for us to achieve the Islamic civilization. The khilafah. This maratibul amal was introduced by Imam Hassan Al-Banna. He did not introduce this steps perfunctorily. Instead, it was invented according to the sirah of our Prophet itself.
So, here is the illustration
The first step is to fix the individual. The last one which is ustaziatul alam, when Islam becomes the world order. The world will refer everything to Islam.
So, as what I explained just now, the first step is a very fundamental step. Because our society starts with one person. So we need to focus on this particular person. Just imagine, when 10 duat are focusing on that 10 mad'u, to bring them to Allah, to tell them the purpose of this life, just imagine the results in ten years to come when it is done continuously. Because we want to bring back people to Islam, and those people will continue the work until the last babies to be born in this world.
And the key to bring people to Islam is--- TARBIYYAH.
So, what is actually the meaning of tarbiyyah?
Stay tuned, until we meet again. :D
ps : when it comes to tarbiyyah language, I'm like awkward to put them into words in English =.=
and also, pardon my grammatical error. budak baru belajar eheh.
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